
Library – Publications

Selected Radio JOVE documents and presentation materials are listed below



  1. 2020: Propagation Teepee: A High Frequency (HF) Radio Spectral Feature Identified by Citizen Scientists, HamSCI 2020, S. Fung. Presentation at a virtual workshop hosted by the University of Scranton, PA. (March 20, 2020).
  2. 2020: The Radio Universe and The Radio JOVE Project, C. A. Higgins. Physics Colloquium, Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, TN. (February 14, 2020). [PDF]
  3. 2019: The Radio Universe, C. A. Higgins. Presentation at StarFest 2019, Bays Mountain Planetarium, Kingsport, TN (October 17, 2019). [PDF]
  4. 2019: Radio JOVE Citizen Science, C. A. Higgins. Presentation at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks, HAARP Ionosphere Research Facility. (August 7, 2019). [PDF]
  5. 2019: Radio JOVE Citizen Science,Higgins, C., S. Fung, J. Thieman, and L. Garcia. Presentation at Building the NASA Citizen Science Community, Tucson, AZ (June 21, 2019).
  6. 2014: SARA 2014 Conference - Radio JOVE Session Presentations
  7. 2004: Student Perspective on Building a Winning Science Fair Project, Katie Sloop, Tamke-Allen Observatory (Tennessee). [PDF]
  8. 2004: The Investigation of the Effects of Solar Flares on Decametric Frequencies, Tey Zhi Hao Joseph, et al., Catholic Junior College (Singapore). [PDF]
  9. 2002: Expanding the Spectrum of Student Astronomy Experience through an Interactive Multi-Frequency Radio Telescope, Jennifer White, Intern
  10. 2002: Data Analysis Tool, Amarilis Bueno, CUNY


  1. Fung, S., Typinski, D., Flagg, R., Ashcraft, T., Greenman, W., Higgins, C., Brown, J., Dodd, L., Reyes, F., Sky, J., Thieman, J., and Garcia, L., Propagation Teepee: A Possible High-Frequency (15-30 MHz) Remote Lightning Signature Identified by Citizen Scientists. Geophysical Research Letters, April, 2020.
  2. Things That Go Hump in the Night — A Fun Experiment [Dave Typinski, AJ4CO Observatory, Wes Greenman, LGM Radio Alachua] (PDF)
  3. An Overview of the Radio JOVE Project — Summer 2014 [Chuck Higgins, Middle Tennessee State University] (PDF)
  4. Long Term Analysis of 20 MHz Solar Radio Events [P. Mason, M. Villarreal and C. Higgins, MTSU] [PDF[
  5. The Solar System Radio Explorer Kiosk Leonard Garcia [PDF]
  6. The birthplace of planetary radio astronomy Leonard Garcia [JPEG]
  7. Radio Jove Observations of the Sun [Mary Lou West, Montclair State University]


Reports & Publications of the Radio JOVE Spectrograph Users Group

Observatory Reports

Reports from various observatories participating in Radio JOVE can be found in the Radio JOVE Bulletin.

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