The Radio JOVE Project partners with SDRplay (, a UK-based company that manufactures Software Defined Radio (SDR) radios, to use their model RSP1B as a radio telescope receiver. The model RSP1B is a full-featured, 14-bit wideband SDR radio used for all-round general coverage communications and covers the radio spectrum from 1kHz (VLF) to 2GHz (Microwaves) with up to a 10 MHz visible bandwidth. With an appropriate antenna, Radio JOVE uses the RSP1B for high frequency (HF) radio astronomy with a nominal setup with a frequency range of 16 – 24 MHz. This frequency range is ideal for Jupiter decameter radio observations, as well as a good range for solar, Galactic, and terrestrial radio emissions.
The antenna kit contains the necessary wire, insulators, power combiner, ferrites, coaxial cable and connectors for a basic dual dipole array. Locally available components such as PVC masts, rope and some hardware are not provided in the kit.
The antenna array requires a reasonably flat area 30 ft N-S by 45 ft. E-W. The soil should be suitable for putting stakes into the ground. Since the antenna is sensitive to electrical noise it is best not to set it up near power lines or close to buildings. For safety reasons, keep the antenna away from power lines during construction and operation. The best location may be a sports field or a rural setting.
For the RJ 2.1 kit, four pieces of software are needed: (1) SDRuno is the Windows platform commercial software to control the SDRplay radio --- this installs all the required plugins and SDRplay API service for the radio, (2) SDR Console program, written by Simon Brown is intermediate software to connect and control the SDRplay radio, (3) SDRc2RSS (SDR console to RSS) is intermediate software to send the signal to the RSS spectrograph display, and (4) Radio-Sky Spectrograph (RSS) software displays and records the data as signal strength on a frequency versus time chart. Links to the software can be found on the Radio JOVE Software page:
Radio-Sky Spectrograph also allows an observer to stream signal data over the internet and view spectrograph data in real time from remote observers. Radio JOVE software is designed for use on a Windows platform of modest capability. Note that the software will not work on a Mac computer.
In addition, Radio-Sky Publishing provides freeware software (Radio Jupiter Pro) for predicting when Jovian radio noise storms are likely to occur.
The Radio JOVE 2.1 radio telescope kit comes with good documentation. The receiver and antenna manuals are designed to guide participants to completely set up and operate their radio spectrograph telescope. In addition, the antenna manual is designed to teach some fundamentals of antenna theory. These manuals are available online:
The book Listening to Jupiter, 2nd Ed. by R. S. Flagg is available separately on the order page and is a highly recommended reference for learning the basics of Jupiter radio astronomy, the electromagnetic radio spectrum, and the original Radio JOVE hardware and software. You will also get a good overview of low frequency solar radio astronomy, and the fundamentals of radio receivers, antennas, calibrators, and advanced measurements and projects.
A low-cost calibrator is currently not available. However, the Radio JOVE team is currently working on an inexpensive calibrator to be made available in the future. For serious observers, Radio JOVE has a loaner calibrator that can be used for two weeks to calibrate your receiver. Contact the Radio JOVE team if you wish to take advantage of this option.
Radio JOVE provides the settings to optimize the SDRplay RSP1B for short wave radio astronomy; however, other receivers can be used successfully for radio astronomy.
Many ham radio operators and short wave listeners have sensitive receivers and excellent antennas that are suitable for hearing Jovian and Solar radio emissions. One important receiver feature is the ability to turn off the automatic gain control (AGC) circuit.
Jupiter signals are best received in the 18-22 MHz frequency range. General coverage receivers can be used in AM or SSB modes and if you are using a ham band antenna then the 15 meter band is preferred. The AGC, noise blanker (NB) and noise reduction (NR) should be turned off to avoid alteration of the incoming signal.
Many other SDR radios may also be used with the SDR Console software. You are encouraged to try other radios; we would like to hear from you about your experiences.
Ham band antennas such as a Yagi, Quad, Moxon, or even a single dipole can work, although the receive gain of a single dipole is a bit low for all but the strongest Jupiter storms.